About Us

While the market is saturated with recruitment firms, companies still struggle in finding professionals who are adequately qualified and therefore are well suited for the role requirements. Most often employers are left with no choice but to settle for a less than ideal candidate. Moreover, management teams often spend invaluable time in sifting through innumerable profiles and meeting several candidates, taking their focus off core functions and their responsibilities of managing the business.

After carefully studying the market demands and understanding the dire need for a more focussed and streamlined recruitment firm, TRN Careers was established. With our objective to be specialised and focussed, was born our strategy of establishing ourselves as a premier recruitment firm in Coimbatore and expanding across similar growing markets where top-line recruitment services are the need of the hour.

Founded by professionals with over a decade of experience in the US recruiting industry, TRN Careers has built a stellar reputation for high ethical standards, a specialised focus and unparalleled service. With the uniqueness of being a specialised staffing firm, TRN creates a niche by focusing exclusively on professional positions.The organisation's objective is to help businesses find the professionals they need, while assisting professionals find truly rewarding careers. A successful organisation is one which has in its midst a well settled workforce that shares the core values of the organisation in a perfect work-life balance. Our focus has been to help professionals identify opportunities with organisations that allow them to pursue their chosen career path in harmony with their personal goals. We believe in rewarding partnerships not just short-term business deals.

President Speaks

TRN Careers is a young and dynamic company with a passion to grow. With over a decade of invaluable experience in the US recruitment industry, there are key learnings that I brought home with me that aided as the differentiator or the foundation to establish TRN Careers.

The time when the US market was saturated with undifferentiated recruitment firms, it is this vital differentiation that established my career and forms the vision of TRN Careers.

Our Vision & edge

Our Vision
"We help you find talent..and help talent find you"

There are recruitment firms that look for candidates who roughly fulfill the job requirements to earn their target-based share. Our aim is to partner with the client in finding professionals who will not merely fit the role but be a corner stone in accelerating the growth of the business. This is the chink that is missing in the recruitment industry – a truly professional partner!

Lastly, TRN Careers is a firm that is both flexible and dynamic. Aren't emerging businesses tailored that way? So why be different from our partners? With patented recruitment options like RPO and Onsite-Recruiting, we are all about adapting to suit the client's varied and time-bound requirements.

Call me and we can spend some time understanding how we can integrate an effective and efficient recruitment model into your business.

Multi-layered Candidate Screening and Benchmarking

We at TRN Careers understand that employees are quintessential in building and running successful businesses. While it is pertinent that each employee is appropriately skilled and experienced, we also believe that there are several other key skills like teamwork, shared vision and complementing the organisation's culture that are essential in each professional to fit into not just the role but also the organisation. Thereby we developed key benchmarking parameters to filter the candidates and retain just the ideal professionals. This gives us an edge over other recruiters who merely send candidates to vaguely fulfil the job requirements. We take pride in sending professionals to help your business grow manifold.

Why we are bullish that our professionals work…

Our claim of being focussed and streamlined is based on our objective to partner with the client and reduce the recruitment time of the management team that is often wasted in filtering through several resumes. To start with, we don't send more than 3 resumes for every position because our executives have already sifted through and separated the wheat from the chaff.


Moreover our executives spend time with the client's internal team to understand the position; the culture and profile of the candidate that would best suit every position. We then filter the candidates and send 3 professionals. Each of these professionals will be suitable for the position and the organisation. This is why we take pride in boldly claiming that we are bullish that our professionals work. Going a step further, we assist in evaluating these professional and help choose the perfect candidate.